(HRW) Egypt/Sudan: A Call to End Torture of Refugees
Egypt/Sudan: A Call to End Torture of Refugees At UN, 24 Countries Seek Investigation MARCH 17, 2014 (Geneva) – Members of the UN Human Rights Council called on Egypt and Sudan on March 14, 2014, to investigate and prosecute traffickers for kidnapping, torturing, and killing refugees in the Sinai Peninsula. The 24 countries sponsoring the German-led statement also called on both countries to identify and prosecute any security officials who may have colluded with traffickers. http://www.hrw.org/news/2014/03/17/egyptsudan-call-end-torture-refugees To Read the press release in Tigrinya: http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/related_material/EgyptSudan3-17-14Tigrinya.pdf
“I will safeguard the Jewish majority and the state, and I ensure that the last of the Sudanese, and the Eritreans, and all of the infiltrators, to the last of them, will return to their countries,” Yishai, of the Shas party, told Army Radio. “I have pity on the people of Israel.”
JERUSALEM (JTA) —Israel’s interior minister, Eli Yishai, promised to deport the tens of thousands of Africans who have crossed into his country illegally in recent years.
Aswan, 31 ottobre 2011 – At the police stations in Aswan, and the military camp of Shelal, about 300 Eritrean refugees are currently being detained, in appalling hygienic conditions and subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment.